There are two types of salads in the world. First, there’s the sad salad that you eat on the side of your real meal. It provides just enough greens to make you feel like you ate something nutritious. And then, there is something more glorious: a proper salad. A dinner... [read more]
When you start a new year, you often try to go into it with a purpose. What do you want to accomplish in the year, and how are you going to get there? Well, one great tool to use along this kind of journey is a planner. A planner can... [read more]
According to a study by the Nutrition Information Center, 75 percent of Americans are chronically dehydrated. Dehydration can severely affect energy levels, mental focus, and the ability of your immune system to fight off infections.
The extra amounts of salty food and drinks typically consumed around the holidays can cause our... [read more]
There simply isn’t a substitute for a night sitting in front of the fireplace while watching classic Christmas movies with your hands wrapped around a huge mug of delicious, creamy hot chocolate.
A life-changing cup of the chocolatey good stuff embodies the love and spirit that went into its preparation. Sounds... [read more]
Are you searching for ideas for Christmas movie night at your house this holiday season? Snuggle up with one of these holiday classics and get your whole family in a festive mood. Thanks,, for the inspiration!
National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation
Written and produced by the always-amazing John Hughes, Christmas Vacation is the... [read more]
Many purists would disagree, but we believe that the perfect cup of coffee is a craft set aside for master baristas. A true master knows how to use the absolute perfect combinations of spice, syrup, cream, and butter to expose the greatness of this 1,000-year-old delicacy.
Thanks A-Latte to Roasty Coffee for... [read more]
Thanksgiving is a time when we gather to show gratitude for the blessings we have received throughout the year. It’s also a time of year when we eat…really… well. Check out these creative side dish recipes that we gathered from Taste of Home that are sure to enhance your future feast!
Spiced... [read more]
Cyber Monday is the biggest online shopping day of the year and is taking place on Monday, November 30th, 2020. The process of shopping for and capturing the best Cyber Monday deals can seem daunting at first, so use these tips to ensure your Cyber Monday shopping goes smoothly this... [read more]
If you’re in the market for a stylish, dependable, and feature-rich compact sedan, look no further than the 2020 Hyundai Elantra. The 2020 Hyundai Elantra has been attracting rave reviews and as a result, lots of new customers. Why? Because with the Elantra, it's love at first sight. The triangular LED headlamps... [read more]
Fall might be the best season of the year. We’ve already passed the sweltering heat of the summer, which can get old after a while. And we’re not yet to the point that we’re freezing through the winter and never going outside. The weather is nice and comfortable, and everything... [read more]