There are so many reasons to have a garage sale. From preparing for a move to creating space, holding a sale can help you declutter and earn a little extra cash. People who have the most successful garage sales follow a few simple guidelines. With a little preparation, you can have your most successful garage sale yet. Try these tips, and afterward, enjoy your de-stashed home.
Permits, Permissions, and Possible Dates
It’s a good idea to plan your garage sale about a month in advance. This gives you the time you’ll need to find out if you need any special permits or permission from an HOA. Many neighborhoods limit people to certain days or times for garage sales. There’s nothing more disheartening than setting up for your sale only to have to take everything down, so it pays to find out ahead of time. Once you know which days are available, you can select the one that fits your schedule.
Supplies for Success
Once you’ve selected your date and gotten any permits you might need, it’s time to gather your supplies. You may need price tags and tables. Don’t forget a chair for you, as well as a place to keep money and change.
If you are selling breakable items, make sure you’ve got materials to wrap those items for safe transport to their new homes. Another great idea is to have bags on hand, especially if you’re hoping to sell or get rid of a lot of clothing. Also, make sure you’ve decided on what you’re going to sell. Set it aside in preparation for the big day.
As the Big Day Approaches
If you price your items ahead of time, you’ll save yourself a lot of trouble and heartache later. You’ll also want to advertise your garage sale so that people know to come. You can place ads in the local papers or advertise for free on neighborhood apps and listings. Make sure you get the date and the time correct.
A Few More Pointers
Also, keep in mind that many people like to head out for garage sales pretty early in the morning. It can get uncomfortably hot in the summertime, so the earlier you start your sale in the morning, the faster you can get to your goal.
Make any final preparations the night before so you won’t have to rush in the morning. Finally, if your neighborhood permits it, make signs to put up on nearby streets to let passersby know to stop by your sale.
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Your Most Successful Garage Sale Ever
When you plan ahead, you can prepare for success. Take the stress out of holding a garage sale by having a timeline and sticking to it. Also, don’t hesitate to enlist the help of family and friends. In fact, you might even be able to get your neighbors involved — make it a mega sale. Good luck out there.
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